Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lesson(s) learned in 2007

2007 (and partially 2006) has given me plenty of hits and misses so in order to properly celebrate a new era in my life (blogspot, being 24, PARALEGAL promotion and I suppose the new year) I present to you a list of my lessons learned:

DO NOT get drunk at your holiday party
DO laugh about it on your first day back at work and sheepishly use being "young" as an excuse

DO NOT fly hungover across the country (and especially DO NOT sit in the middle seat if you chose to do so!)
DO bring plastic bags

DO NOT curse out loud assuming that you are the only person in the room
DO bust out with your most adorable smile when one of the partners tells you sarcastically but kindly that he did not hear anything

DO NOT allow yourself to be prey to PERVERTED and OBNOXIOUS superiors.
DO warn all your fellow female co-workers

DO NOT send an email with the subject: I need assistance. Why? BLACKBERRIES translate your message to "I need ass".
DO roll your eyes at the superior that laughs at you

added on 1/2/08

DO NOT eat fish tacos in Mexico
DO carry pepto =P

1 comment:

Maya said...

idk how to use this yet..but we'll see hehe.. something to read and do again at! we're so productive! we deserve a raise!